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Knowledge and technology transfer

Knowledge transfer (Teaching)
International Master in Agroecology
A project is carried out in cooperation with the University of Tuscia, aimed at implementing an International Curriculum on Agroecology, in the frame of the third Programme on Internationalisation, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research. Agroinnova scientists provide expertise in the field of sustainable crop protection and post-harvest pathology. Moreover, in 2008 Agroinnova has been involved in the teaching activities in the field of food safety.

Life-long learning
In cooperation with the Venice International University, Agroinnova participated into the development and implementation of International Courses for Sustainability. The Advanced Training Programme on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development is part of the "Sino-ltalian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection", a long-term cooperation project between the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and some major Chinese Agencies. The Training Programme is addressed at senior governmental officials, professors and experts of the People's Republic of China, with the aim of updating and improving the environmental knowledge of Chinese decision makers and experts who have a strategic role in terms of planning and designing measures and regulations for the promotion of sustainable development in China.
Always in cooperation with the Venice International University, Agroinnova participated into the development of training courses for senior governmental officials of Central and Eastern European countries, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

Technology transfer In Italy
Center for Pesticides Efficacy Evaluation and Certification. The Center cooperated in 2008 with various Italian and International companies. The trials have been carried out at Grugliasco, by using growth chambers, greenhouses and the experimental vineyard. Moreover, trials were carried out at private farms.
Diagnostic Center. The Certified Laboratory for the Diagnosis of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases received samples from ornamental nurseries as well as from seed companies located in different regions.

Technology transfer in developing countries
In 2008, several projects took place in the field of sustainable crop protection and sustainable agriculture in China and Serbia. Such activities are supported by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Italian Ministry for Economic Development, as well as by International agencies and by private funding. Many projects involve the exchange of Ph.D. students, post-docs and researchers.

Support to policy-makers
Also in 2008 AGROINNOVA provided technical support to the International activities of the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, with a technical advisory service, during several International meetings. In particular, AGROINNOVA has been involved in preparing and supporting the negotiations on International regulations for the protection of the stratospheric ozone layer (i.e. Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer; Regulation EC 2037/2000 on the ozone depleting substances) as well as in several International negotiations dealing with agro-environmental issues. 

Last update: 20/05/2024